Looking for a place to rent in Toronto

Hey there, 

Looking for a place to rent in Toronto with someone for either May 1st or June 1st. Looking hopefully to spend about 850/month. But can be Looking at the 700-1000/month range. 

A little bit (or maybe a lot 😅) about myself...

So I will have my social service worker certification in a few months. However currently I'm working for uber deliveries until I find something in my field. I was living up north just outside of Sudbury where I was working as an Activity Coordinator at a Women and Children's shelter: YWCA Sudbury. I was also working as a Junior Consultant and Researcher for Logical Outcomes which is a Consultant firm. I was working on a project that was initiated up in NWT. Was through the NWT Seniors Society specifically focusing on programs that spanned across 10 communities across NWT working with elders.

I originally went to school for dance, I still sometimes teach and do continue to train. I expanded out to Expressive Arts Therapy in which I will be beginning workshops again here in Toronto. I used this background for my work at the YWCA as well. 
I expanded even further with schooling in the Community Worker program at George Brown College and will be continuing my studies in Social Work at Ryerson trasfering into the 3rd year this coming year. 

I go to circus jams for fun once a week - which starting soon will also be working as a circus instructor. I use to be a gymnast so it'll be fun to get back into teaching and training now that things are reopening back up again. 

Anything movement or just being able to be creative, I love .. of course. There are a lot of other things I love to do, I just enjoy keeping busy with the things I'm passionate about.

I have a dog Luna, who is a major sweetheart. Huge cuddler... I definitely hope to find someone who also has pets, I would be more then happy to help take care of them as its just what I love doing.  I know it helps as well, if a roommate has a place to be over night - having someone there to take care of family members.

Lastly, I'm straight edge. I don't drink or do drugs, I don't have an opinion on those that do. It's just my preference for myself. 

* it would be awesome finding a place with a backyard but maybe that's pushing it? I dunno - might as well throw it out there.

** if you are interested lets set up a coffee or tea meet and greet and take it from there. 

***My number is 647.887.6002
